
Altar de Muertos Competition: The Value of National Identities.

An altar (from the Latin expression altare, altus, «elevation») is a structure consecrated to the service of religious worship over which oblations and sacrifices are made. In some ancient civilizations a stone altar was named as ara or aras: like renowned Ara Pacis from the Imperial Rome period.¹

Each October, Humanitas University through its English Kingdom program promotes the Altar de Muertos Competition in which students are encouraged to elaborate and decorate an altar taking up the traditions of different states throughout Mexico. Participants are required to do research and later communicate to their peers historical, cultural, gastronomical and other identity features of each region.

This experience always turns out to be a colourful one, nourished by the participation of the community, in which decoration details coincide with our guests and students’ enthusiasm and the dynamic timelines and charts of each region and its traditions. Of course, the event is backed up with English Kingdom’s seal of quality.

Detail of Pergamon Altar in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

1. Definition from Wikipedia.

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